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PHY2061 - Enriched Physics 2


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Homework for the course uses the WebAssign system and is based on problems from your textbook (Halliday, Resnick, Krane, 5th edition, but with many problems cross-referenced to Halliday, Resnick, Walker 7th edition). Please purchase a registration access code from WebAssign for the online homework (cost $11.95) if you did not already receive a code from a bundled purchase with your textbook. There is a 2-week grace period.

Your username is set to your Gatorlink one, and the institution code is "ufl". Your initial passwd is the same as your user id (please change it!). If you already had an account previously, use your previous password (or ask professor to change it, or click on “forgot password”).  Please check that your full name assigned to the username is correct (otherwise your grades may not be properly received).

Typically 6 problems (some may contain multiple parts) are assigned from your textbook per homework set, and a total of 12 sets will be assigned. Each question or part may be worth 1 or 2 points. You get 10 tries at submitting a correct answer for each question. Tolerance is typically 3% accuracy.

All assignments due 11:59pm on date posted, unless otherwise noted.
Afterwards, you may view the answer key. (Look under "Past assignments").

WebAssign assignment
Due Date
Other suggested problems (not graded)
Set 1 Ch.25:  Ex. 2, 4, 8, 29, 30;  Prob. 10       Aug.30
Ex: 5, 7, 28, Prob. 3, 4, 7
Set 2 Ch.26:  Ex. 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 28 Sept. 6
Prob. 3, 6
Set 3 Ch.27: Ex. 2, 10, 12; Prob. 3, 18
Ex.20, Prob. 5, 6
Set 4
Ch.28: Ex. 6, 12, 30, 48; Prob. 4 Sept.21*
Ex. 18, 44, Prob.8
Set 5
Ch.29: Ex. 4, 11; Ch.30: Ex.10, 18, 24 (caps in parallel), 29
Sept. 27
Ch.29: Prob.10, Ch.30: Ex. 2 ,25,  30
Set 6
Ch.31: Ex.8, 39, 42, Prob. 8; Ch.20: Ex.4, 7
Oct. 11
Ch.31: Ex. 5, 26, 49
Set 7 Ch.32: Ex. 4, 6, 11, 30, 32, Prob. 19
Oct. 18
Ch.32: Ex. 20, 29, 36
Set 8
Ch. 33: Ex. 8, 10, 24, 26, 31, 36
Oct. 25
Ch.33: 20, 35
Set 9
Ch. 35: Ex.12+extra; Ch.34: Ex. 3, 10, 16, 26
Nov. 1

Set 10
Ch. 36: Ex. 4, 16, 24, 27, 36
Nov. 8
Ch.36: Ex.8, 34
Set 11
Ch. 37: Ex. 4, 6, 15; Ch. 38: Ex. 8, 28
Nov. 22
Ch.38: Ex.16, 17
Set 12
Ch.38 wave problem, Ch. 39: Ex. 19, 36; Ch.44: Ex. 7, Prob. 2
Nov. 29
Ch.39: 4, 5; Ch.44, Ex. 4
Set 13
Ch.41 Ex. 4, 7, 24, 28; Ch. 43 Ex.2
Dec. 6

* due midnight Thursday, rather than midnight Wednesday

University of Florida Department of Physics